How do I bulk upload Tastings activations?

To create a Tastings Activation(s), click the t icon on the left-side navigation menu. Click Activities, then click Tastings. 

To bulk upload activations under a single program, click Upload Tastings.
  1. From the drop down menu, select the program and click Next. Download the template and complete the mandatory columns for each activation, then upload the file. The system will match each Tastings venue to our database.
    1. If there are accounts that do not match, the page will show an Incomplete Tastings error. Click the link in the error message to review the errors. 
  2. If the uploaded accounts match the Database Match, select the checkmark to confirm they are the same.

    1. If there is a discrepancy between the two, select the magnifying glass
      icon to search for the correct account.

  3. To assign talent, select the event you wish to staff, indicate if the activation will be executed by an internal or external team member and if applicable, select the talent name and a supervisor or point of contact. The assigned talent will be informed of this activation via email, highlighting the key points of this event: Location, Date, Time.